Order Status


If your order is successful, teva.com.tw will send you a confirmation email. Please provide a true and valid email address when placing the order to get the latest order status updates.


  • "Pending": An order has been placed but not yet been paid or payment is failed. Our system will automatically cancel all "Pending" orders over 60mins and the order status will change to "Canceled".
  • "Processing": You made the payment successfully and your order is under processing. The order information cannot be changed at this stage.
  • "Completed": Your order has been dispatched from our warehouse.
  • "Canceled": Your order has been canceled by our system due to payment failure or you have made return request and it is accepted by us.


Tracking Orders


  • If you log in as guest, click "Order Status" at the top left corner of the page. Enter the “Order ID” and “Email”, and click "Continue".
  • If you log in as member, please select "Login", then enter your Email/ Phone Number and Password, and you can navigate to the “Order History" page to review your order.


Modifying Orders


  • If the order is in the status of “Pending”, we suggest you to place a new order with correct information. While for order that is in “Processing” status, no modification can be made. In this case, please contact our customer service for help.